Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Valley of the Giants. ..Walpole Nornalup National Park

Treetop walk (definitely not for fear of heights folks, Lou...remember Cliffs of Mohr?).   Enjoyed this immensely despite very perceptible sway as we walked along.  TREES WERE IMMENSE.   LEILA, a selfie per your request.   FLORA would evoke reminiscence of familiar species in our country from holly to coreopsis, from iris to coral bells, whether it be color or shape of leaf or growth pattern  but yet so different to be just a whole new feast for the eye.  To remember all the names would take s botany degree!
Long drive to Albany where  we are tonight.  Diana a nervous ninny today...Hope took the wheel and got us here without incident.  Nothing like a glass of  local wine to make it all good.

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