Wednesday, November 19, 2014

On central australia

Ayers rock is an incredible place and experience.  As we walked the entire circumference at dawn the overwhelming sense of time becomes clearer. The rocks at kata tjuta and uluru are so  old they do not contain fossils  ......perhaps the forerunners of stromatolytes were present but i suspect not.....tthe beauty is more than advertised; and the changes in color amazing.  It is  affected by the large number of quartz crystals  and the spectrum of the sun's rays reaching the sedimentary rock ..... and who would have thought we woiuld see a rainbow over uluru while sipping on wine.???   Then there is the night sky and id of the southern cross..... the milky way was bright and we were able to identify the emu in the blank spot of the milky way (a new concept for both diana and i)    finally i have been impressed by wa's universal acknowlegement of the noongar : but after returning the land, uluru has been governed by a  oard with 4 elder ananjnu men; 4 elder ananknu women; and 4 officials of australia.  There are areas sacred to the ananju which are off bounds. There are stories that are not shared.  In short these people  have the ability to keep their language and history.

More to follow. ..will send pictures Cairns now

The plane came and ended my efforts ...and typing on a tablet sucks!!! The waggletail a saicy bird that announces good orbad news  depending
On where you live.  To me this dry outback with bright red soil reminds me of geoff's science fiction stpies. There is an oak tree that remains a juvilnile unntil it's tap  root reaches the water table - about 20 meters or so: as an adult "big" tree it reaches 1,000 uears in age; and should lighteneng strike it explodes .  There is a tree producing red sap lo be used to keep wounds clean; and in  a gel solution anesthetizes the mouth for 45 minutes.  Then there is a tree capable of  cutting off water flow to a branch to save the tree. I knew various animals could do this but not plants.  Then there os spinifex  - a grass the ananjnu use as super glue:but  beware as if handled casually will put invisible crystals into the skin which  must fester  to be eliminated.  This i suspect is jist tje beginning pf tje story.          H

1 comment:

  1. Kids loved the photos. They were especially taken with the one of you two and the camel. :) Gearing up for Thanksgiving here by taking a weekend away! xoxo
